
Everyone dreams of finding that dream job, but hardly ever finds it. There are so many places to look for jobs. Because of that, you either settle for the first opportunity or never even come across your dream job.

Well, no more.

TechnoAlliance has now launched an all new mobile app for its recruitment portal Softbreaks . It brings every available jobs listed on the internet in India to your fingertips. You need not jump from website to website looking for the ideal job opening. Jobs listed in all the popular websites are listed within the Softbreaks app. This allows you to not waste time skipping websites.

Also Read: 9 Tips to Prepare for an Android App Developer Interview

An App for Employers as well

“The Softbreaks app is more than handy for employers. It provides valuable data which helps employers understand the sort of competition they have while sourcing new profiles.” a company spokesperson added.

He went on to say “For example, an employer is looking for an Android developer. By looking at the various graphs in the Softbreaks app, He will be able understand how much demand is there for the position in the last 40 days in a particular location.  Furthermore, it can be seen how many openings were there for the position on each day of the current week. This can influence the whole hiring process, helping the employer to secure the best talent in the industry within their limitations”

User-friendly Interface

The app interface is easy to navigate, with a modern menu option.  Users are greeted by a simple search bar. Currently there are nine categories for which the jobs are sourced.

Available jobs are displayed in an easily scrollable list. Each job listing has a share button which makes it possible for job seekers to share over social media, chat apps, etc.

Android as well as iOS App

Softbreaks has an android app as well as an iOS app. Both are equally good functionality-wise. Do check them out

Also Read: Top Certifications For Mobile App Developers

Softbreaks Mobile App Features

– Hassle-free job search

– Job alerts on mobile without sign-in

– Jobs sourced from top job websites

– Search for jobs under different industries (more would be added in coming updates) such as Mobile Application, Web Application, Digital Marketing, Enterprise Application, E-commerce Application, Testing, etc.

– Choose the location of your choice

– Source jobs according to your experience and location

– Get to know the most sought after group according to experience in years for each job

– Know the city which seeks the most number of candidates for each job

– Easy to use layout and interface including a simple menu that makes navigation simple

– See how many new jobs are added daily

– See the total number of active jobs

– Pie charts that tell you the percent of job openings for each position in relation to your particular industry

– Share jobs to your friends using the in-app sharing feature. Share on Facebook, twitter, Whatsapp, email, etc

We will continuously add new features to this job search app as they are developed. These incremental updates will happen to make your job searches easier and more relevant.

About Softbreaks: Softbreaks is an initiative by the TechnoAlliance group of companies to help out recruiters as well as job seekers.  It started in 2013 as a recruiter’s portal for TechnoAlliance’s internal recruitment requirements. But a new idea was formed and implemented for helping out recruiters and job seekers. The first phase of website changes have already happened while an even better interface is on its way. Softbreaks is now going mobile with the hope it can make job seeking and recruitment easier processes.

Mobile App Development Companies are always on the search for better developers. They prefer to make the most out of the salaries that they pay. So, as a developer, you might need to hone your skills in order to become successful doing mobile app development.

Here are some tips that would help you to become a better mobile app developer.

1. Read other Developer’s Code

No matter how good a developer you are, you always have one thing or the other to learn from your co-workers. You should actively take effort in reading other people’s code and learn from them. That way you could be exposed to a new logic or a new angle of solving a problem, thereby growing yourself into a better developer.

2. Get Someone to Read your Code Too

Getting someone to read your code is as important as reading other people’s code. Mobile App Developers  are often too timid or too egoistic to consider this approach.

For most people it is so hard to find one’s own mistake. We are all so pleased with our hard work, ain’t we? You comb for errors and you feel more confident about your code. So, it is worth remembering that a good code is something that everybody could understand and not yourself alone.

Also Read: Top Certifications For Mobile App Developers

3. Fix Bugs Prior to Writing New Code

Can you guess what is the most harmful thing that Mobile App Developers thinks when he finds out a bug?

It’s thinking that you will fix it later. If you can break out of this habit, you will get one step closer to better mobile app development.

4. Learn New Technologies

Those who have started developing for Apple recently might have seen how Swift is being widely adopted and replacing Objective C. It is very important that a developer constantly be aware of the changing technologies and train themselves to stay in demand.

5. Write a Blog Post

You know that you understand a topic well when you are able to teach it to others. There is no better way of sharing your unique experiences, knowledge, and love for programming than writing blog posts.

6. Contribute to Open Source

People could easily think that this is so purposeless. In a world where conversion is everything, why should one give one’s service for free? Why should one make waste of their valuable family time?

Contributing to open source has got it’s own advantages. You can keep informed of the trends in the field and collaborate with other developers outside of your organization. This will help you in networking as well.

7. Fix it, Don’t Hack It

When you have a messy code to deal with and a tight schedule at hand, it will always be tempting to hack it instead of fixing it. A priceless advice is to take your time and find the bug, no matter what. Otherwise, you will end up getting more frustrated and irritated than you were, when the vanished error keeps coming back later to kick you in the ass.

Also Read: Top 10 Skills in Demand For Software Developers

8. Do Test Driven Development (TDD)

Unit testing can be exhausting for Mobile App Developers, especially when a shoddy code is bequeathed to you from a second developer. For a superior codebase, it is always better to break the untested code into blocks and add the tests one by one.

9. Take Ten Odd Minutes Away from the Desk

Last but not the least, leave your desk and have a stretch. As a programmer, sitting glued to the desk all day would be nothing unfamiliar to you. But if you don’t want to spend all the money you make on medical bills, take enough breaks and take it wisely. It will also help you to stay focused under the pressure and avoid things that might set you off.

9 Tips to Prepare for an Android App Developer Interview

Android is the most popular mobile platform currently. A career in android app development would be many fresh graduate’s dream job. Well, not so fast. The first skill you need to have is the skill of cracking the android app developer interview.

Several things are known by all like the importance of having a well written resume, being honest, using a good body language, reaching the site early etc. But, most will be ignorant about ways that could make them stand out or face job interviews confidently.

The following tips will help you in preparing for an Android app developer interview in a better way.

1. Be Prepared for the Whole Interview Experience

Attending the interview is not just about being prepared to answer the technical questions alone. While you have to work your way around that, nailing the non-technical and non-verbal part has got a huge impact on the success of your overall performance at the interview.

You should be prepared to answer all those friendly questions along with the uncomfortable ones like why you were jobless for a certain period. You should be prepared for the tricky questions as well. For e.g. if the interviewer asks you, if you are more comfortable working with a team or alone, you should answer the question taking into consideration the nature of the company.

So many candidates leave the interview without asking further questions to the interviewer, thinking that it’s not their business or that the interviewer might feel irritated. This is not a recommended practice as showing your curiosity in knowing the details convey your interest in proceeding further.

Also Read: 10 Vital Skills To Become an IoT Developer

2. Be Yourself and Don’t Bluff

Whatever you know, answer it confidently. If you are asked a question that you don’t know, tell them that you are not sure and then continue with the answer. Never try to explain a wrong answer confidently. That can make your interviewer doubt on your correct answers also.

3. Keep Updated about the Latest News and Trends in the Industry

Even though you might not be able to have a detailed knowledge about everything, it will always give you an upper hand when you are aware about the latest trends and technology in the android app development industry. So, listen to tech news constantly and make it a habit to research about similar topics. You can follow known bloggers and watch Google I/O. This will give the interviewer an idea about how interested you are in the field.

4. It is not Enough to know the Languages Alone

It is often a misconception that having an in-depth knowledge about the programming language is what makes you a top developer. Well, this is definitely not so. Make sure that you have enough idea about the android app development process as a whole – from conception of a project idea to marketing tactics. Even possessing a certain level of entrepreneurial spirit will prove beneficial in a developer’s career.

5. What Exactly do you Know about the Company?>

This tip can seem so obvious, but most are careless even to go through the company’s website before appearing for the interview. Research well about the company’s background so that you don’t have to face an embarrassing situation while attending the interview. Speak about your interest in working with them. Always remember that this is a chance which you could cleverly use to impress the interviewer.

6. Develop an App to Showcase your Skills

Rather than explaining your skills and capabilities, it is better to show them in real. You can either develop a new app or focus on improving your college project if that is good enough. You can keep your project updated when you advance with your skill set and experience. The point here is to show than to tell; giving a reason for the interviewer to feel convinced is your own responsibility.

Also Read: 10 Vital Skills To Become a Mobile App Developer

7. Data Persistence

Every application needs to store data either as a cloud file, template files, temporary cache, etc. Since mobile platforms are resource constrained, it requires more care while choosing the right strategy. During an interview, be confident to talk about the alternate persistence strategies and also how you can combine different storage options. Having a deep knowledge of hard technical details can be more important than just knowing the theoretical generalities.

8. Knowledge on tools

It’s quite certain that bugs might occur while app development. Your speed in determining where and what went wrong can portray that how good you are as a developer.

You might be asked to debug a problem within a sample app during an interview. So, be sure that you are familiar with the common templates for detecting such vulnerabilities.

9. Know what you’re doing

A vague idea and understanding of technical concepts cannot get you much farther in an interview. If you don’t know something, don’t be afraid to say so. Know the purpose behind every code and functions during development and how it contributes to solve problems.

Overall, maintain a good attitude, no matter what happens at the end. Take every chance as a learning experience to sharpen your interview skills for the next time. Good luck!

Please feel free to share any more ideas you might have.

When you are presented with almost endless options for mobile app developers, choosing the right one can be a tricky challenge. When entering relevant keywords, Google shows you considerable names and web directories with the details of popular app development agencies. However, they all have different levels of experience, each having unique understanding of app development process.

Your app will either be a hit in the market or it could be something that users may un-install quickly. This is why it is important to do research before you entrust someone else with your business reputation. You can pick the top development companies if you have a basic understanding of the process and eye for research.

To help you more, here is vital insight and questions you can ask to choose the right app development partner:

1) Client References

Isn’t this what you should practically make a top-priority criterion when looking for a perfect app project partner? Exploring company’s portfolio is no doubt the foremost factor that almost decides whether or not to consider the agency for your business app. This is also the best work evaluation technique today. You really want to know more about the brands they have served, challenges they have surpassed, technologies they used and how good they did it all in past.

Client references of their portfolio will give your thoughts of selection a little more push you need to discriminate between the mediocre and the superior.

2) Specialized Consultation

Mobile app development is more than just UX, features and testing. A qualified app development agency must be able to offer consultation on how to market, enrich and publish the app. Strategic consultation is key to making your business competitive and viable. Before selecting the right development partner, check if they have a resilient mobile app development strategy. This will ensure everything is synchronized and they work in clear directions, with clear expectations.

3) Expect Innovative Features and Outstanding Quality

The market is saturated with big numbers of mobile app development companies. It is tough for you to pick from the thousands of iPhone app builders and Android app developers. But you can reduce the number on your list by inquiring about their history of innovations in past, quality of their apps and remarkable features they have developed for their clients. Always expect the best since there is a lot going on in the world of technology, and possibilities are infinite.

Also Read: How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Mobile Game Developer?

4) The Right Approach

In general sense of mobile app development industry, app makers should have knowledge enough to build apps that delight users and fans. App making agencies believe in their own set of principles and methods. Having right mobile app development approach means flexibility, agility and best results. But this is possible only when there are highly experienced peers on their team.

With that said, app developer’s approach should be client-focused. They must understand that each project has its own requirements in terms of process, tools, software, testing and skills. Hence, choose the one who has worked on special projects where team efforts are huge and technical challenges are efficiently met.

Questions to ask:

1. Have you worked for the relevant business/industry?

It always gives you an extra edge in the app development process if you can hire someone who has already tried their hands making the same app as the one in your mind. Ask them if they have built similar apps before. If they have experience, it means they know how to resolve common problems down the path.

This also means that they can start better and work faster than other agency who has still no product to show in that category. Such companies understand your business keenly and can give you competitive results.

2. Where can I download your app?

If it is about your business reputation, you should want to dig deep enough. If you are unable to catch more from their public portfolio, ask them to share with you links to download their apps so that you can scrutinize it yourself.

Once you have an access to their app copies, try fiddling with it on different devices and get the look and feel of the product yourself. Ask them what more they could have done with the existing app and if they can rebuild such apps with even more enhanced features and UX for you.

3. Do you develop cross-platform apps?

Set clear goals and expectations from the very beginning about cross-platform app development. Do you want them to make apps for both iOS and Android? If your app is to function for both OS systems, you can ask them if they can build apps using generic coding that can be used for both OS. Your audience could be the wide demographics that want to access the same app from different devices, which requires cross-platform apps. Talk to your mobile app firm in detail about devices preferences and cross-platform development abilities.

Also Read: How to Hire Dedicated Full Stack Developer

 4. What is your idea about app monetization for my app?

You are not making an app just for amusement. Hence, app monetization strategy should be a part of your conversation with app development companies. Ask them what chances your app has to make money via online ad. Will your app keep users coming back to it more often? How to optimize it for that intent? Get clear answers to your curiosity about making money with your app. An experienced app developer must have a few confident responses for you.

5. Do you offer all-round app development services?

Some app development studios limit their services to design elements (UI and UX) whereas others exclude post-deployment maintenance as additional add-on. Even back-end is often comes with extra consideration with some development companies. Also app store submission, ASO (app store optimization) and app marketing are seen as separate chunks off the app development cycle. If you want to get it all done from one agency, make sure you hire someone who is expert in all-round app development capabilities.

6. What kind of communication you prefer during the process?

Also Read: How Much Does it Cost to Outsource App Development?

Communication, as with any business partnership, is the key to ensuring the smooth development process. It establishes clarity and helps keep the client updated about smallest of changes. Make client communication as often – or even daily – as possible via methods you are most comfortable with. You can use Skype, email or intranet methods to keep things transparent and dynamic.

7. How much will the app development cost?

This is the most commonly asked question in app development partnerships. Price is important, but in the market flooded with app developers, you will always manage to find many who claim to build the app in less. However, cost depends on the type of your app and its scope.

If it is for your business, cost should not be a deciding factor. Reduction in cost may make you compromise on quality, app security, coding perfection and even skills and expertise of developers. They won’t do good things in cheap prices. So don’t let the price be the driver of your decision.

Final thoughts

Once you select an app development partner, there is no going back. It is therefore necessary to be serious about choosing the right app development company. Make your selection process as rigorous as you can by considering all the expectations from your future partner. Your app represents the business and engages customers, thereby bringing more profit. An app designed well can truly make huge difference. Hopefully this guide helps you choose the trusted app development company.

Certifications For Mobile App Developers

Smartphone usage is surging from 1 billion to nearly 2 billion this year and may cross 2.5 billion by the end of the year. Communication and mobile apps are two fundamental drivers for a booming boost in smartphone sales. Mobile apps have replaced computers, offering great convenience and interactive platforms at the tip of fingers.

India has a strong smartphone market for developing innovative mobile apps. There are ample incredible opportunities for today’s mobile app developers. However, professional career of developers gets elevated with proper certification and relevant skills. Certification enhances credibility of your resume and helps earn trust from mobile development companies.

In this blog you will realize the importance of getting certified for your skills and learn top mobile development certifications available in 2018.

Also Read: 10 Vital Skills To Become a Mobile App Developer

Need For Certifications

Not all mobile app developers get success from creating a superhit app in the first go. Those who seek a professional career will join top companies to work as a developer. Employers also filter their candidates through a strict selection process that often involve criteria around extensive experience, portfolio, skills and industry-wide knowledge.

In order to make impression in interviews, candidates can flaunt their bachelor degree in Computer Science supported with valid certifications.

Although not all job descriptions expect mobile app development certifications, having a certification definitely adds spotlight in your resume or qualifies you for promotion. Certification also helps Mobile app developers increase their chance of getting higher average salaries.

Android Certified Application Developer

Android and iOS are two dominant smartphone OS with Android possessing more than 80% market share. This suggests that demand for Android apps is burgeoning, and certified Android developers have a brighter chance to meet great opportunities in their long-term job careers.

Android Certified Application developer is the most sought-after certification as Tom’s IT Pro study on different job boards reveals. Advanced training and certification for Android developers is provided by ATC (Advanced Training Consultants). This certification is of beginning level meant for those who want to leart to design and build Android apps.

This is probably the best pick among certifications for Android mobile app developers. Candidates must pass its core Android Application Development examination that consists of 45 MCQs to be completed in 90 minutes. To earn certification, the minimum score is 70%. Candidates can prepare using Android application development course and self-study guides are also available.

The exam tests the knowledge and experience across variety of topics related to Android app development. The certified developer is able to:

  • Conceive and build a fully-fledged Android app
  • Use different plugins and tools to test and debug an Android app
  • Understand Android app lifecycle and major components
  • Use Android persistent storage and background processing techniques

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MCSD: Windows Store Apps

If you want to build a high-quality app for Windows OS, a developer certified with MCSD Window Store Apps could be your best resort. In order to acquire this certification, developers have two programming languages: C# or HTML 5. Usually, companies don’t consider much what language developers prefer to build Windows apps.

Developers who secure MCSD: Windows Store Apps HTML 5 certification gain the following skillset:

  • Write HTML 5 apps using JavaScript and CSS3
  • Create a Windows Store app using JavaScript and HTML5
  • Develop advanced Windows Store Apps using JavaScript and HTML5

Developers who have the MCSD: Windows Store Apps using C# certifications can perform the following:

  • Write program and code using C#
  • Build a Windows Store app in C#
  • Developer advanced Windows Store apps using C#

Oracle Java ME Mobile Application Developer

If you aspire to be an established Java developer and are seeking a solid career in mobile app development, Oracle Java ME Mobile Application Developer is the considerable certification. It was formerly known as the Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer. You can create mobile apps using Java after completing the exam.

To appear for the exam, developers fulfil the prerequisite which is to achieve any of the following certifications:

  • Oracle Certified Professional (OCP)
  • Java Programmer (SE5 or SE6)
  • Sun certified programmer (SCJP)

Developers must clear the exam of Java (ME) Mobile Edition 1 Mobile Application Developer Certified Professional 1Z0-869. The certification exam consists of 68 MCQs and the timeframe is 158 minutes. The minimum score required to clear the exam is 58%.

For preparation, you can take reference from Java ME: Develop Applications for Mobile Phones. Apart from this, the certification also requires you to have strong hands-on practice or on-the-job experience in the topics covered in exam.

Also Read: 9 Tips to Become a Better Mobile App Developer

App Security Certifications

Businesses emphasize on mobile app developers that comply with highest app data security standards since many times users share their financial data and personal information.

App users’ data is constantly at risk of getting hacked, and any data-specific vulnerability can damage the business reputation. This is why certain companies prefer to hire developers who are certified in mobile app security.

One security-focused certification to consider is CompTIA Mobility+ that evaluates the skills and knowledge about network administration, app security and mobile engineering. Candidates should know about the topics like troubleshooting, Bluetooth, network structure, Wi-Fi and other security-related technologies.

The Certified Professional – Mobility (CCP-M) from Citrix is another recommendable certification in App security. It tests candidates’ knowhow in IT compliance & security, application and device management.

Associate Android Developer

Google provides official training and certification as Associate Android Developer program in order to create a cavalcade of well-groomed, polished and competent Android developers. Along with this certifications, Google also offers Mobile Web Specialist, Google Certified Professional in Cloud architect and Certified Professional – Data Engineers.

The Google Associate Android Developer certification mainly stands for specialization in many aspects of Android apps including:

  • Designing and debugging
  • Storage solutions design
  • Building applications for interfaces outside the core Android application

The exam tests performance of candidates and their ability to understand the working concepts of UI and UX and create standard and custom layouts using XML and Java code.

Google also offers new programmers as well as seasoned developers a few free informative courses through Udacity to train candidates before appearing for the exam.

Also Read: 10 Vital Skills To Become an IoT Developer

Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder

Salesforce has mastered CRM solutions and provides solid support to its customers with various solutions in domains like sales, service, analytics and productivity and IoT. Looking at Salesforce market impression, its Salesforce certification program is no doubt considerably created with care for developers in mind.

Salesforce app builder has gained sensational response across many online ob boards. the primary reason is that it trains professionals who are engaged in designing, building and deploying custom apps for Salesforce platform. Candidates need to pass a single exam for certification that covers quite contemporary topics like:

  • Data management and modelling
  • User interfaces
  • Business logic
  • Use cases for custom app features
  • Security
  • Design reports
  • Custom dashboards

At the completion of the certification, developers will be able to create social features and customize applications to be used on mobile devices and deploy them. Candidates for App Builders must also pass maintenance module exams to gain deeper insight into product release cycle.

SAP Certified Development Associate – SMP Hybrid and Native Mobile Application Developer

Offered and maintained by Enterprise Mobility, Germany, SAP Certified Development Associate is prepared for developers who deal with SAP/Sybase products. This certification tests intermediate-level knowledge of developers.

Individuals through the exam possess a strong foundational knowledge of Hybrid and Native application development on SAP mobile platform 2.3. The prerequisite before earning this certification is to have several years of on-the-job experience.

The exam structure consists of 80 MCQs to be completed in 3 hours, and it majorly explores nine technical areas. Minimum passing score is 65%.

As far as support goes, Enterprise Mobility offers Learning Hub that gives access to:

  • Helpful subject-specific training material & resources
  • Dedicated Learning Rooms
  • Virtual Learning Spaces for effective guidance

The subscribers have a lot to gain from SAP certification Learning Hub, including relevant practical knowledge and training about Hybrid and Native Mobile app development delivered virtually by SAP instructors.


Discovering a talented mobile app developer is a challenging task, but a sharp-eyed research and conscious lookout for certified developers can set you close to the right deserving candidates. Individuals with Industry knowledge and practical hands-on experience matter a great deal if you are seeking the great, and not just the good. Hiring a team of mobile app developers with any of the above certifications will give you a competitive advantage and confidence that your projects are handled by the industry veterans.

Ever noticed how there is always one person more boisterous than everyone else at the office outing? His throat has gone hoarse from shouting and singing all day long, but he doesn’t care. His energy is infectious, so you can’t help but feel encouraged to sing songs that have nothing to do with their original lyrics.

Because, this is somehow more fun.

Now, reconcile to the fact that this guy is your team lead. Stumped?? Well, Chinar Bhandari seems adept at juggling these personas with ease. As for the spectators, it just takes some getting used to.

An alumnus of AISSMS College of Engineering, Chinar has been born and brought up in a diversely well-educated family in Pune. He has a Masters in Computer Engineering and a total industry experience spanning 5.8 years, out of which he has been with CloudXperte for a commendable 3.6 years.

Also Read: 9 Tips to Prepare for an Android App Developer Interview

chinar bandari

When asked about the difference between working at CloudXperte and elsewhere, Chinar is prompt with his answer.

“Challenging Projects”, he states.

“Before CloudXperte, when working as a fresher, I mostly worked on POC. Simplistic as it sounds, this strengthened my base and understanding of processes. My first project at CloudXperte was Aquasound, an IoT based App for a Home Audio system. I had no experience in hardwired projects, but I did this well.

Then, I went on to do several projects, memorable among them being Kids Express, Mediquick, and most importantly, GoClub, my first project as Lead. GoClub was a vast and complicated project. It involved multiple platforms like iOS, Android and a website too.

Also Read: Top Certifications For Mobile App Developers

We had multiple teams in different physical locations, which required extensive collaboration and co-ordination. To add to this complexity, we had a time constraint. But, we successfully delivered the project in 6 weeks.”

Of course, it helps that he shares an easy rapport with the rest of the team leads. Their comfort with each other perhaps finds its roots in their shared passion for technology.

chinar bandari

At CloudXperte, Chinar feels at home.

“In fact, when I come to office it is like going from one home to another. I love the work culture here. It is cool and laidback. The management is great. It doesn’t interfere with the developers or their process. It allows you the freedom to explore and be yourselves. And that freedom is so important when you work. Oh, and the events we hold at office. Quite enjoy those.” He says with a slight smile, “Though there has been a slight slump in that recently.”

Also Read: 9 Tips to Become a Better Mobile App Developer

So what is his process for development?

“I try to thoroughly understand the requirement first, as well as the product, while making a note of all the challenges involved, the research required, the probable time frames and several other aspects. Then I divide the project into modules. And for every module, I prepare a POC. Then I take it on phase by phase. And test all phases individually.” Sounds simple, but this takes a lot of discipline. And it certainly shows in the final output.

Being a team lead also means getting all team members to be on the same page, despite the weaknesses and strengths of each one of them. This takes more than leading from the front. It involves exploring new trends in technology and constantly updating one’s knowledge, while also teaching and training the team whenever possible or required.

Certainly, not a tall order for Chinar, who enjoys both learning and teaching equally. This is evident in his clarity of thought and process during project discussions with his team or other team leads. ”I believe in sportsmanship as I have been into sports since my schooling days. I have represented Maharashtra in handball”, Chinar reveals.

Possibly, it is this sportsmanship that helps him get through the toughest of professional situations through grit and teamwork; that and a never-give-up attitude. Robert the Bruce would have found a better teacher in Chinar than the famed spider.

chinar bandari

And is he all Mr. Nice Guy?

“I get angry very quickly at times, if something is not happening as per my plan. I am a bit lazy as well”, he admits. Though there is neither a trace of anger nor laziness when its crunch time. Deadlines are followed strictly to deliver efficient and uncompromised builds. “I am currently working on two projects – Shride, an electric bike rental app and an entertainment app”, Chinar informs.

On being quizzed about the future of Mobile App development, Chinar says in a matter-of fact manner, “Nowadays, if there is an idea, it becomes an App. Whether it ever goes on to become a website or not, is another matter. But first and foremost, there will be an app”. Now this is someone who knows the pulse of the market. “Besides, considering the ever increasing number of mobile users, Apps seem unlikely to go out of fashion in near future”, Chinar signs off.

“My interview?” The surprise in the question is quickly replaced by a pragmatic shrug and out come tumbling the life and times of Shashikant with disarming honesty.

Hailing from Nanded in Marathwada, Shashikant first worked as a Telecom Engineer for a few months before switching to Mobile Application Development. For someone who loves to play strategy video games, this was only a logical outcome.

He seems to be enjoying his stint at CloudXperte since last year.

“The work culture here is far superior to any other place. The team is very supportive, they constantly push you to do better. There is a sense of healthy competition. Also, I feel a sense of ownership when I work on a project. If you know you are trusted, both ownership and initiative come naturally”. 

Shashikant firmly believes that whatever happens, happens for good. So even a few ups and downs in a project wouldn’t be considered setbacks, but rather as opportunities to create something better.

“Shashikant with Faceron app client and team members”

Besides, one cannot control everything in life. So, one must do one’s best and leave the rest to fate. Could things go wrong if you have done it right? Mostly not.

Shashikant says that he though he has his set of likes and dislikes, he is not finicky about it. Makes for an easier life.  He loves to spend his free time watching all sorts of fantasy/mindbender movies and series like the Harry Potter series, The Mentalist, The Witcher etc.

This brings us to an important question. How does his mind work?

What is his process like, especially when it comes to a project?

“I thoroughly study the documentation related to that project. Then each one in our team thinks individually; after which, we brainstorm together. Ideas are tossed around and weighed for their consequences before being finalized. Usually, doing a new project also means you can learn something new. Not just with a technology, but also with managing a project”.

Shashikant is currently working on Shride – an electric bike rental app.

When asked what advice he would like to pass on to budding developers, the maturity of his answer belied his experience of only 3 years.

“We all need to understand and learn the fundamentals first. Strengthen your fundamentals first, then build your skills on it. Look around and prefer a technology. Then be loyal to that technology. It is difficult to excel at anything, unless one shows loyalty”. 


Perhaps, this sagacity also reflects in his understanding of the future. “Mobile app development is a fast-paced, ever changing field. What was incredible yesterday, is possible today.

As you can see, the Swift 5+ version which we use for iOS app development is also available on various platforms like Windows, Linux etc. And we can use Swift on the server side as well as for Machine Learning too. Since technologies can adapt and grow, we should too.”

10 Vital Skills To Become a Mobile App Developer

Without a doubt mobile app development has become the most important topic in the IT industry. And with that, the demands for talented app developers are increasing more than ever. Right from server and cloud to the latest trend of wearables and IoT-enabled devices, there is so much that mobile app developer needs to keep up with to constantly expanding their skills.

Regardless of the industry and domain, companies across the globe are looking for app developers who are well-versed in every layer of the development. And there are various programming tools, technologies, and skills that are required to be a flawless mobile app developer.

Here are the most desirable mobile app developer skills to dust off your resume with:

#1. Nothing else but JavaScript

Are you a front-end mobile app developer? Then, there is no other friend like JavaScript. Latest frameworks in JavaScript such as Angular and React Native provide useful tools that developers need in order to create native mobile apps in no time.

In fact, React Native was a breakthrough framework that comes with “Learn once, write anywhere” strategy which makes the cross-platform app development much simpler when compared to the conventional “Write once, run anywhere” prototype.

Angular provides great benefits of a toolset which is completely extensible and works amazing with rest JavaScript libraries and this provides mobile app developers a creatively customizable framework for all individual projects.

Key Aspects of JavaScript

  • Greater Control
  • Platform Independent
  • Generating HTML Content
  • Simple Client-side Calculations

#2. Quality User Interface Design

Of course, when it comes to mobile app development, probably one of the most important elements is building quality-rich user interface as it is responsible for the interaction between the users and the business. Maybe that is why it is never enough for them to just have the sufficient backend functionalities.

Key Aspects of UI design

  • Good utilization of a unified color strategy
  • Quick loading and responsive
  • Activity indicators
  • Basic tips

It is essential for app developers to understand how UI directly affects UX (User experience) as it is one of the factors that will decide how successful your app is. Poor UI can result in poor accessibility and further uninstallation of the app as it wouldn’t encourage your users to spend more time with your app.

So, mobile app developer needs to be extremely careful with cross-development technologies that offer agile designing tools as they provide you essential options such as multi-layout manager and drag-and-drop functionalities.

#3. Cross-platform App Development

For any mobile app developer, it is important to have a working knowledge of multiple operating platforms in the existing domain. When it comes to market penetration, there are 3 main players in the mobile operating system field: iOS, Android, and Windows.

Key Aspects of Cross-platform App Development

  • Re-usability of Codes
  • Reasonable Costs
  • Service Support
  • Simple Testing

In order to be a seasoned app developer, you should not only be experienced and able to code in one platform but also versatile enough to build apps across platforms that work on any device.

#4. Cyber Security

Mobile apps, especially the enterprise ones which need consistent, daily operations and content management should stay heavily secured.

The confidential company information and metadata which usually is stored in these applications is highly essential to leave vulnerable to eavesdroppers.

Key Aspects of Cyber Security

  • Application security
  • Disaster recovery
  • Operational security
  • End-user education

One of the all-time high cyber-security risks till today is extortion hacking. Other than the data and money, it costs a company its goodwill as well.

So, take enough time to learn how to develop apps whose code is virtually flawless and collect a toolkit for encryption and data-loss thwarting.

#5. Modern Language Programming Skills

This is another essential expertise that mobile app developers need to have knowledge of in order to build a mobile app using modern programming languages.

The below are the some of the things that programming may include:

  • Well-versed with most widely utilized programming languages such as Java and C#
  • Good working knowledge of mobile platform apps programming interfaces like Android, Windows, and iOS
  • Experience in web development languages such as CSS and HTML5

#6. Internet of Things

With the growing of IoT-enabled devices and the industry, mobile app developers should gain knowledge about building a mobile application interface with other devices that are connected to the internet.

This case especially stands true for enterprise mobile apps as there will be more options for consumer loyalty reward initiatives and online payments, which currently are swiftly growing mobile trends. So never ever underrate the capabilities of IoT and what it can do to your mobile app development future.

Key Aspects of Internet of Things

  • User interface
  • Network Interconnection
  • System Security
  • Data Analytics

#7. Backend Computing

To become a backend developer, you need to know things like how to create logical back-end and core computational ideas for a system, software or a website.

Key Aspects of Backend Computing

  • Languages & Frameworks
  • Database Management Systems
  • Local Development Environments
  • Collaboration Services

Other key roles involve database management, execution of memory allocation, security, hardware interaction, testing and debugging and know the core application logics of a system.

#8. Agile Development

As a matter of fact, agile development should be an element in the developers’ skills. Mobile app developers should get familiar with agile and lean methodologies so that they can easily break down huge projects into small assignments, prioritizing, and delivering the most value.

Key Aspects of Agile Development

  • Greater Transparency
  • Focus on Collaboration
  • Continuous Adaptation
  • Fast Delivery Time

#9. Business capability>

Just like the other skills, business capability and expertise are also equally important to win the race. Many people actually overlook this aspect, but business skills tend to play an essential part in this domain. Mobile app developers should know how to optimize an app’s visibility in the list of the available apps of the same genre.

Key Aspects of Business Capability

  • Uniqueness
  • Investment Decisions
  • Strategic Alignment
  • Technology Asset Lifecycle Management

#10. Git: Version Control System

As the world moves ever more into the mobile landscape, mobile app developers need to experiment with new application features & coding techniques with confidence and that’s where Git Version control System comes in.

Git is a free and open-source software used for version control. Git allows mobile App developers to work on new crazy techniques for their project while the previous working copy stays safe and secure.

Having Git with your development arsenal can be sure to find greater audience and bring great value to companies in need of mobile app development skills.

Key Aspects of Git

  • Distributed System
  • Non-linear Development
  • Open-Source
  • Branching

Wrap up

Mobile app development is constantly evolving, and the experience and skills required for a mobile app developer will keep on increasing with the trend. Apparently, there is an upward trajectory in the development tools to withstand this new reality.

Preparing yourself for any technical aspects and allocating the right time to give in the maximum input is the main key. If you do it right, putting in the right effort can pay off in a big way. So, stay updated with the trends.

Skills To Become an IoT Developer

IoT is one of the most wanted skills for a developer in the 21st century that has innovative power to connect all the devices virtually via internet web service. It is due to this connectivity that devices together produce enhanced potential to automate operations remotely by performing seamless communication.

Companies nowadays seek professionals with polished skill sets in the domain of IoT development. Therefore, it is important to know what skills you need to become an IoT developer. Smart Homes, driver less cars and modern offices are quintessential examples of IoT success.

Here we bring you the top 10 vital skills you need to know to become an IoT app developer.

#1. AI and Machine Learning

An IoT developer should possess the skills of analyzing and gathering a huge amount of data for deciphering the pattern and predicting the outcome.

With the increase of complexity, AI is used for handling the tasks and autonomous decisions are made with the help of AI. The algorithms of machine learning are used for the creation of smarter appliances with the help of data sensors.

The developers should have the skills of machine learning and big data management for making certain predictions which is based on the identification of data patterns. Every company needs skilled IoT developers that can harvest the data from the sensors and connected devices.

#2. Consider the Crucial Role of Sensors

In almost every automated solution, there are sensors exchanging the live data to a digitally connected system. IoT developers must have detailed knowledge and thorough understanding of how sensors work and integrate into the IoT-powered architecture.

It is important for IoT engineers to be skilled in wireless solutions and embedded systems and relevant functionalities. There are many engineering institutes that offer reliable sensors-related courses for IoT enthusiasts.

#3. UI-centric Approach

User experience is closely connected to the design and impact created by User interface. To develop an ideal IoT development skill, it is crucial to be UI-focused since it offers the front control for all background operations and machine-to-machine interactions.

User interface should be built in such a way that even an incompetent person can handle and trigger the most complicated operation using just a few good buttons.

If anything goes wrong, UI must be equipped enough to guide users. Of the challenges for IoT developers, hence, is to cultivate skills to build fluid, intuitive and sophisticated UI with easy-to-understand call-to-actions and interactive elements.

#4. Knowledge of JavaScript and Python

Having competitive programming skills helps you appear as a pro in IoT field. You must excel at a few current languages used to program IoT devices such as JavaScript or Python.

If you are a novice, you may need to hone your skills first in these programing platforms and then embark on developing IoT solutions.

JavaScript is the most essential web-based scripting language leveraged for developing scalable and secure backend system. While JavaScript is device-friendly, Python helps developers with performing flawless coding.

#5. Proven Skills in Node.js Development

The IoT developer should possess the skills of working in the open-source environment like Node.js which is used for the server-side web development for the management of connective devices like Raspberry Pi and Arduino. This platform of Node.js is highly preferred for building IoT apps.

A large number of companies with a low resource overhead are using this platform for the development of the IoT apps because of its accessibility and stability.

Some well-known and large enterprises like PayPal, Uber and Netflix are using this platform to experience consistent performance.

#6. Security Infrastructure and Engineering

IoT app development is often hindered by issues like data loss, privacy concerns, security, malware attacks and network vulnerability. The main reasons behind the security issues are the complex nature and scalability of IoT connectivity.

Hence, the companies hire skilled professionals that have the knowledge of endpoint and software security, especially to protect anything that is connected to the internet.

The companies are more prepared than ever to invest in engineering a highly secure IoT architecture and hire talented IoT developers who can mitigate risks involved in embedded systems.

#7. Big Data

A large amount of data is made available after the advancement of IoT and therefore big data is used for the purpose of analyzing and assessing the data.

The companies hire skilled professionals that have knowledge of big data so that the relevant data are collected and the useless information is filtered out.  This mechanism is highly effective with AI and other software.

When big data is combined with AI, the enterprises are able to function more efficiently and quickly. Hence, companies look out for skilled developers that have the capability of developing algorithms for the organization of data in a more effective manner.

#8. AutoCAD

As the complexity and quantity of the IoT devices are increasing at a rapid pace, the enterprises require stronger software technologies that are flexible in nature.

Therefore, skilled IoT developers that have knowledge of AutoCAD are appointed by the companies for their necessary development. This software is used by the developers in several engineering applications.

With the help of Auto CAD, smart devices and products are enabled for making necessary design changes during the various stages of product development. This software is used by the developers for the purpose of personalization and hardware standardization.

#9. Cloud Computing

Due to interconnected network of things of IoT, there is a good chance that there will be a large amount of data to handle. This will require a reliable data storage which poses as a big challenge for IoT developers. One solid way to address this issue is to resort to cloud computing solutions that can help host excess of data.

This is the reason why IoT industry is open to hiring professionals who are versed in or have previous history of working on cloud computing technologies for effective analysis-ready data storage and management solutions.

#10. Mobile Hardware Environment

IoT indicated Internet of Things where Things further reveal hardware components. Since hardware is the core of IoT embedded system, it is essential for developers to possess most exquisite knowledge on how hardware works and what goes where.

IoT experts need to be aware of the tendency of each component connected to the internet and their responses to surrounding conditions along with how much data is flowing through those devices.

All the objects are driven by mobile apps and software built for smartphones, wearables, tablets, PC, etc. This is why it is primarily expected of developers to have sound knowledge about iOS and Android platforms ecosystem.


Among all other skills, discussed above are vital for developer who are looking to have flourishing career in IoT domain. IoT companies would need to construct the workforce full of professionals who are willing to foster collaborative, dynamic and agile environment.

Also, if you aspire to be a handsomely paid IoT development specialist, you will be expected to master these trending skills.

If you are an entrepreneur or investor looking for experienced IoT app development company, you may contact us with your ideas and strategies.

Skills in Demand For Software Developers

With the hope of new positions opening in the space of web development, cyber-security and mobile app development, the competition for software engineers to claim the dream spot will also increase. To keep up with the competition we give you the Top 10 software developer skills in 2020.

To grab the favorite opportunity, developers need to be certified in specialized skills. We have found that, apart from skills in Java, Python, JavaScript and C# still maintaining the top positions, there are certain other skills that have emerged as popular in 2020 such as Amazon AWS and React.js.

Driven by global organizations and startups, the IT landscape in 2020 also demands developers to hone their craft in Machine Learning and AI.

Here is the list of top 10 skills we believe are in high demand for software developer in 2020.

#1. Mobile Application Development

Mobile app development industry is currently at its peak. With new technologies and evolved capabilities innovating the global business system, mobile app developers have a lot to gain.

Just like past few years, software developer will continue to be in demand henceforth provided they have fluent and competitive skills in programing languages.

Based on the latest annual report by Stack Overflow, a few famous in-demand IT skills in 2020 are:

  • JavaScript
  • Java
  • Python
  • Objective C
  • C#
  • .NET
  • Swift
  • Amazon Web Services
  • ReactJS

#2. Creative Practices in UI/UX Design

Seemingly appearing to be same, UI and UX are slightly different concepts altogether high in demand today.

Designers who craft interface for websites and mobile apps focus on enhancing visual appeal and simple navigation flow while UX specialists perform a lot of tests and mull over diverse aspects of ensuring perfect interaction and intuitive user experience.

UI suits those who wish to work on the visual layers and layout while trying to improve the look and feel of the product.

UX is perfect for those who want to mix graphic design creativity with analytical testing while coordinating with UI designers and developers.

#3. Familiarity with AI and Machine Learning

The idea of intelligently manage a variety of human tasks involved in a range of industry processes forms the core of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology.

The current scenario, however, indicates little understanding about the role of AI implementations and how ML (Machine Learning) can actually impact business productivity and cost-effectiveness.

AI as a futuristic technology offers a great value to overall project management, which presents a bounty of fresh opportunities for young developers who wish to enrich their portfolio by adding familiarity with AI and ML.

#4. AR Apps Design and Development

Augmented Reality has sobered to be valued more as educational and training purpose than its initial reputation of gaming and entertainment.

In last few years, since score of companies have dived into developing hardware and software features to integrate AR, developers who are competent in conceptualizing, designing and building apps using interactive APIs have grown to be great in demand.

#5. Special Exposure in Data Analytics & Science

It goes without saying how businesses and organization of various niches come to realize the value of compiling, monitoring and processing data from customer engagement to develop personalized and relevant solutions.

From finance, banking & insurance to eCommerce & healthcare, companies are willing to invest their fortune in hiring the best talent in this domain.

This is the reason why data scientists and analysts skilled in Big Data and Machine Learning have become the most sought-after resources in modern industries.

#6. Specialized Knowledge in Cybersecurity

The need for having better security solutions in the world of state-of-the-art digital solutions has never been more urgent especially after the recent instances of system vulnerability and security threats.

Enterprise companies, partners and stakeholders are all growing more insistent on cyber security reinforcement and emphasize on protecting the data flowing through their existing networks.

To help companies, IT security specialists with relevant expertise will be constantly hired.

#7. Excellence in SaaS & Cloud Computing

In 2020, cloud computing and SaaS (Software as a Service) are still among the top skills, software developer need to master.

In order to stand out with exceptional talent, software developer ought to respect the importance of learning skills across entire cloud stack including Amazon AWS, virtualized capabilities, Microsoft Hyper-V, IPv6 and other private cloud hosting services along with DevOps.

#8. Adoption of Digital Transformation & IoT

Implementing digital platforms across various processes of an organization is the skill considered to be high in demand. IoT sets the goal right for today’s avid mobile app developers, who must make it a part of their characteristics to adapt to upcoming trends and innovations of rising technologies.

According to visionary Tech market leaders and analysts, IoT is predicted to be the most formidable technology with IoT apps already contributing to transforming the business paradigm.

Despite the volatility in technology space, developers who are enthusiastic about learning new launches will be among the successful survivors.

#9. Enthusiasm for Coding and Engineering

Since the technology industry revolves around extensive coding and engineering creatives, it has become indispensable for tech companies and IT leaders to employ software engineers.

It is all about how well you execute what you have learned to build high-quality and capable solutions and apps.

There is an enormous future scope for developers who can apply technically flawless and concise code stream to make the business logic work digitally.

#10. Flair for Programming Languages

JavaScript, Python, Swift, .NET are some of the hot famous multi-purpose versatile languages developers must get their hands on.

If you aspire to propel your career as a professional software engineer or senior programmer and have long-term goals, these languages will help you reach desired destination with power.

You can develop scalable systems, automate processes, stream line data management and more using these trending languages of 2020.

Our Cognitive Take on Future Trends

We have created the list of top 10 skills in demand for software developer in 2020 based on comprehensive research and industry experience. Of course, it is impossible to perfectly predict the skills guaranteed to grow popular in future.

But from the market buzz about what fades and what stay is generally the perception of trends and prevalent instincts about technologies in use.

It is therefore wise to have an adaptive attitude towards fluid ecosystem of digital technologies and shifting requirements in skills. Conclusively, to survive the tentative landscape of digital solutions provider, software developer must adopt the versatile training and education model that encourages flexible skills.