Mobile applications are  becoming a popular solution for several layers of issues and concerns across all types of industries not just in the UK, but worldwide.


Because mobile apps offer businesses a platform to operate their organizations seamlessly and smoothly. The applications provide clients with top-notch user experience and a channel for easy connectivity with the business.

Unquestionably, the proof lies in the pudding. More and more companies are moving towards the mobile app phase. This, in turn, presents the businesses to build a brand name for them in the process by supporting it with a mobile application.

Importance of Building Construction Apps

importance of construction mobile apps

Construction businesses typically fall under the category of conventional companies. However, that does imply that business owners in the construction industry are not modern and forward -looking. Business owners have highlighted a strong desire to build a strong foundation for the companies in the cloud.

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What does it mean by  a strong foundation for the companies in the cloud?

It means that they should be using the appropriate technology to promote their business. For instance, the UK is a major construction market, globally with new projects upcoming all year round.

In spite of such a rapid growth rate, why is the construction industry in the UK experiencing such huge financial and time loss?

One of the primary reasons is the lack of efficiency and productivity.

An online study says that 93% of the construction businesses believe that digitization is going to be the main influencer over their operational processes in the foreseeable future. Moreover, it was seen that 36% of construction firms use five or more mobile business apps to complete their projects.

It is not surprising to see that mobile apps are right at the top when it comes to technology adoption for the construction industry. In a survey conducted with 600 construction professionals from both medium and small sized firms, more than 80% were strong in their opinion that mobile technology is a high priority. The key benefits lay in deploying mobile apps to the fullest in the construction industry.

Role of Mobile Apps in the Construction Industry

benefits of mobile apps in construction industry

The role of construction managers is stressful and hectic. . They have to keep track of their teams and sub-contractors, monitor their progress  daily, check their schedules, equipment, quotes and invoicing, bylaws, hours and more.

All of these construction managers today have easy access to smartphones and tablets. This implies that there is a great opportunity to enhance efficiency and productivity, minimize costs, and fast-track project timelines with the integration of appropriate mobile solutions.

Take a look at how mobile apps are important to the construction industry.

1) Enhancing Workforce Efficiency

With access to powerful mobile applications, it is now convenient for construction managers to carry out processes like monitoring, scheduling, and authorization which also increases transparency and efficiency of the operational procedures. By using custom-designed apps in the mechanism, pacifies the overall process of delivery via a faster communication channel.

Mobile apps are  extremely useful, especially in the context of supplier management and scheduling. Additionally, mobile apps are now a paper replacement that leads to a clutter-free workplace. The result – productivity levels are significantly optimized.

2) Maintaining Desired Safety Levels

The construction industry is not free of hazards. Mobile applications can be very handy as it has the power to mitigate these high hazards that are related to the sector. Also, construction managers can keep track of the training sessions using mobile platforms. By complying with all regulatory guidelines, the level of safety for the workers also improves simultaneously.

Mobile apps prove to be important in the construction sector. The apps permit instant reporting of injuries and safety concerns. Plus, the user with the authoritative power  can handle such issues with utmost care which bolters regulatory compliant as and when required.

3) Running Projects on Time

Completion of projects within designated timeline is of paramount importance, especially in the construction industry. But for most construction businesses it is one of the biggest challenges. Frequent delays often lead to rework resulting in cost and time escalations.

With dedicated mobile apps for the construction sector, managers can now organize and sync all of their operational activities and work as per their pre-defined schedules. This also helps in optimizing all available resources.

4) Better Communication Process

The absence of a robust communication system can contribute a lot to complicating things in the construction sector. The gaps in communication between the managers and team members can result in misunderstandings.

A construction mobile app seamlessly connects all necessary stakeholders and gives a complete overview of the project and the communication process. However, you must maintain transparency through increased visibility and involvement in the process fostering better relationships between all involved parties and stakeholders.

5) Mobile Apps Can Boost Productivity

A recent study found that a construction worker spends around 30% of their time on core tasks. Unimportant jobs such as cleaning up, transporting the materials, keeping the site organized, etc. take up the remaining time.

Mobile apps here can optimize the work of construction managers by channelizing their energies in productive areas only. IoT and other updated technologies can be connected to mobile apps so that team managers can keep track of and monitor operations from a single platform. The applications can help in the management of all relevant domains in the logistical chain.

6) Real-Time Analytics

All industries now depend on real-time business intelligence and big data to gain insights. The construction sector is no different. Robust construction mobile applications are in demand since reporting is a daily activity in this business segment.

With easy access to apps and the smartphone, real time analytics is available to managers at their fingertips. What happens is that everyone can remain updated in case of issues concerning monitoring, team performance and the project costs rising.

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Benefits of Mobile Apps in the Construction Industry

benefits of mobile apps in construction industries

When mobile apps are being developed for the construction business, they should be customized to meet the specific needs of the industry. Have a look at the benefits of mobile apps in the construction industry in the UK.

1) Focus on Electronic Tendering

For 80% to 90% of public construction projects, the electronic circulation of tender is in great demand. In the UK, the figure stands at 100% for contracts circulated online over EUR 90,000. Those construction companies that choose not to adapt to these technologies will be left behind.

With established standards in place, the electronic circulation of tender submission ensures security and compliance. It also makes the process more efficient and transparent.

2) Boost Potential for Optimization with Smart Building Site Logistics

70% of the time, the average construction worker ends up devoting their working time to errands such as material transportation, organizing the site, cleaning up, taking care of the equipment, etc. Digital solutions such as business mobile apps are extremely handy in this scenario as they have the potential to optimize the usage of all available resources.

Several construction companies do not implement digital solutions, for example, a supplied software that can optimize worker utilization capacity. IoT in the construction business is largely working towards establishing coordination between construction machinery and vehicles and RFID² technology.

This helps in the identification of products within the construction site. Additionally, the mobile that is integrated with RFID technology is also able to analyze when a freshly laid concrete surface is fitted.

3) Robots and Drones Are the Future of the Construction Industry

Some of the leading construction companies are leaning towards using 3D technology, especially where there is a need to survey the land and the building. Whilst the survey is in progress, the technology can demarcate water pipes, sewers, phone and power lines, fiber optic cables, etc.

Similarly, like 3D technology, a recent entrant in this space is drones which are being used for land surveys, keeping an eye on big construction sites and tracking and monitoring project progress.

4) Digital Sales is Expediting Direct & Better Service

Just like any other sector, the construction industry also has stiff competition. For this, you need to think intelligently and be one step ahead of your peers.

To know what your potential customers are looking for is the competitive edge. Finding out their requirements before your competitor does is essential. Digital solutions have penetrated in the domain  where customer relationship management programs embedded in mobile applications extract volumes of customer data.

The objective here is to analyze the raw data to draw insights and ensure you generate communication that adds value to your end customers. This will certainly ensure that your customer service is far above everyone else’s.

5) Continue With Your Legacy

For a construction business, it does not stop with the completion of a single project. As you invest in more projects, you also get the opportunity to build long term relationships with your customers.

With a post-sales’ mobile app, construction companies can continue to build a strong relationship with their customers.

Read Also: Reasons why Enterprises Need Mobile Apps 

To Wrap-up

Construction costs have been typically known to shoot up by 80% because 77% of mega projects around the globe seem to run at least 40% behind schedule. Custom designed mobile apps for the construction industry can significantly benefits this situation in a positive direction.

Therefore, real estate developers and construction businesses are now open to incorporating mobile apps into their systems as it has proven to strengthen the entire construction process.

It is not surprising that forward-thinking developers are joining forces with well-known app developers for customized digital solutions and mobile app development.

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